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Arisaema speciosum

Arisaema speciosum

What attracted me to this Arisaema were the lovely rich deep colours of the hooded spathe, the mottled stem and the curious  very long spadix tip. It is thought to be so long that it can dandle down on to the ground or be carried up into the leaf as my plant was to attract ants and guide them back down to the flowers lower on the spadix.

Image size: 350 x 880 Portrait
Frame size: 620 x 1160 mm 

Medium: Watercolour and graphite detail

Reference: Painted  from my own collection of Arisaema’s that I grew on for painting

Collection: in New Zealand

Scale: Habit natural size
Large flower x 20 
Cross section x 20

Exhibited at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art at Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, London, UK 12 Oct 2013 - 05 Jan 2014.

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